I have attained a thorough understanding of contemporary evaluation theories, approaches and practices. As result, I can identify critical issues in planning an evaluation. I routinely use data to inform evaluation practices, specifically in relation to educational innovation.
I have developed knowledge and skills in different types of evaluation processes relevant to third level education. I utilise data analysis techniques in order to evaluate innovative educational initiatives. I have key understandings in complexities of programs and organisations, and values and power in evaluation.
I have led innovative projects and have experience in learning analytics, improvement projects, prototyping as well as traditional qualitative and quantitative methodologies.
The ability to work with data, on many levels, enables me to contribute effectively to program evaluation. It also enables me to pre-empt and mitigate against disengagement of learners with curriculum. I am well skilled in developing and delivering retention strategies based on learning and behaviour analytics.
I am affiliated with global evaluation networks, such as Better Evaluation.